Acculon Energy

Sodium-ion Battery Technology: Research & Development Insights into Capacity, Degradation, & Beyond

Could sodium-ion battery technology be the next big innovation in Off-Road Industrial Electrification? Join us below as we unveil interesting findings from Acculon’s R&D endeavors regarding the performance of various commercially accessible sodium-ion battery cells!

Contact: Betsy Barry
Communication Manager

Acculon’s ongoing research and development efforts are focused on our versatile battery system architecture, tailored to accommodate diverse cell form factors and chemistries, including sodium-ion cells. We’re actively involved in exploring various commercially available sodium-ion batteries entering the market so that we can bring safe, quality battery products to a range of market segments, including off-road/off-highway. This ensures that we gather comprehensive insights to design and manufacture modules and packs capable of meeting the demands of both low and high-voltage applications for all of our OEM customers.

Today, we delve into two pivotal areas of investigation regarding Sodium-ion Batteries (SiBs), offering comparative insights beginning with capacity and degradation. Grasping these concepts is crucial as they significantly influence the performance and longevity of energy storage systems.

Capacity, defining a battery’s charge storage capability, fundamentally impacts the duration of device operation before necessitating a recharge. It directly shapes battery usability and efficiency across diverse applications. Conversely, degradation refers to the gradual decline in a battery’s capacity over time, affecting its lifespan and thereby influencing the suitability of a battery technology for specific applications. Next, we will discuss other characteristics that make this cell chemistry an exciting addition to the energy storage industry.


We have conducted a thorough assessment of various commercially available sodium-ion cells to gain valuable insights into their performance, aimed at mitigating risks associated with future battery programs utilizing these cells. Our analysis revealed that the initial volumetric and gravimetric capacities across all available cells in the market are …

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